August 2019

Rainwater Buggy

Johnstown Tidy Towns now have the means to transport rain water harvested from homes to their planting areas.

The flowers on St Martha's Bridge add colour to the western entry to Johnstown. It comes with a problem that despite being over the river there is no local watering source for the 31 display basket.

After their recent successful trial run the flower display on St Martha's Bridge are being watered by Johnstown Tidy Towns using their own home made portable rainwater buggy.

" Sometimes solutions are found which are so simple and so effective that you wonder why you can't just buy them ready made. "

Constructed using a slimline rainwater butt securely strapped to a robust sack trolley it is reasonably easy to maneuver.

A simple elevated platform for the water butts to rest on will allow them to to relocate full containers rather than wait for them to transfer into the portable butt. A further development is to attach and use a manual bilge pump, normally used on small boats, which will make plant watering considerably faster than filling watering can.

With 7 water collection butts in use and up to 1,000 litres banked already they do have a regular supply for weeks to come, although the recent rainfall keeps replenishing the supply.

" It's a relief not to have to drive so very carefully and slowly hoping not to spill 100kg of water in the car. "

Those planting areas remote from a local water tap can now commence with confidence that the new planting can be watered without soaking any more car interiors!!!!

Beep your horn if you see it out and about but don't expect a wave or they might drop the buggy!

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August 2019 Edition