Food Aid
Families will at times struggle to make ends meet. For most it's a temporary 'blip' but for many they fall into desperate times having to decide whether to pay the bills or put food on the table. This is where Community Support Groups come to their aid and where your support is always going to be needed.
Please take the opportunity to Donate.
NOTE: We know that these groups support individuals and families within our Navan Neighbourhood BUT there are probably more so please tell us of any others and we'll include them.
Athboy's People Who Share Care Group
Click here for Service Description & Local Contact
"We are a non profit voluntary group that help feed and cloth our homeless and those less well off in our community."
Source:: Facebook Page
Local Contact
Cllr Alan Lawes, 15 Boyne View, Johnstown, Navan 0851757216
Apple Green, Slane Rd
Core Ireland
Click here for Service Description & Local Contact
" We are a community based, volunteer-led initiative situated in Navan, County Meath, Ireland. We act as a hub that connects with and provides services for the community, local charities and worthwhile causes.
We do this by focusing on individual projects that will help restore a real sense of community bringing people and organisations together to address issues in areas such as mental health, community development, poverty and social exclusions.
Core is evolving and growing! Be involved and help us to help others. As a two-way system, CORE is as much for the volunteer as for the person who is receiving the help."
Source:: Facebook Page
Bernard, Unit 3, Meath Enterprise Centre, Trim Rd, Navan, Co. Meath, C15 RT61
085 1920 150
Meath Food Bank
Click here for Service Description & Local Contact
Drop off Donations
Tierney's Newsagents, Navan
We caught up with Meath Food Bank in their early years.