Garden Birds
According to Birdwatch Ireland there are 450 bird species to be seen on our island but we're not likely to have them all visit our Gardens. If you host bird feeders throughout the year they'll soon bring colour, interest and entertainment whilst also removing insects and some pests from your garden. Once they discover your offerings of food and water they'll come and if you remain motionless and quiet in the garden with them they'll eventually tolerate and trust your presence and come up very close.
Use our quick visual guide to see those we've actually had visit this year and we've included a few more that are likely to be in our neighbourhood.
Local Guide
Links take you to Wikipedia for more information.
Male species are sometimes more colourful whereas the females are more likely to be in camouflage.
Small Birds
Attract a variety of species by offering a selection of seeds such as niger, sunflower hearts and peanuts in hanging feeders where they will have a good vantage point away from predators.
Large Birds
Typically ground feeders unless they can reach the hanging feeders.