March Edition 2019

Dog Poooooooop!

With more groups out walking during Operation Transformation it's noticeable how many Dog walkers have been taking advantage of the dark evenings and failing to clean up after their pets in the hope no one will notice.

Socially unacceptable and an offence under the Litter Act dog poo is harmful to soil, plants, lawns, both their own dog and to other pets, children and adults.

So why is it being left out in the open?

The rain is not a disinfectant.

Perhaps some owners are unaware that the toxic stains can remain on the ground even when the visible mess has gone. Get a trace on your shoes, bicycle wheels, wheelchairs, pushchairs, scooters, even your dog's paws and it travels into homes. Here it's spread over floors, carpets and furniture, even into schools, businesses and hospitals too!

One lazy, inconsiderate act can travel a long distance to have a big impact spreading sickness sometimes to those more vulnerable people and pets..

Simply clean up your dogs mess and prevent sickness from spreading

During Tidy Towns Clean Up litter picks and the Operation Transformation Walking Group Members have discovered 'hot spots' where it's likely to be the same offending dog owners leaving mess on the floor or discarding bags that no one is coming back to remove.

Cleaning up after these owners provides them with a 'green pass' to continue behaving as they are.

Normal Signs Don't Work.

New Street Signs state the obvious.

To counter this behaviour one idea is to make and stake unusual signs in the actual ground where these 'hot spots' are. It will both warn passers bye whilst hopefully embarrassing the returning dog owner.

What should NEW signs say?

"Toxic Waste"

"Lazy Dog Owner"

"I spread disease"

"Who left this here?"

What would you suggest ?

If enough people see the extent of the problem then the community might start to report offenders. Mobile phone photos are really useful, discreet and evidence for the Dog Warden.

Help make the area safer and healthier for pets and people.

Help Clean Up Johnstown.


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March 2019 Articles