March 2021

Riding Out This Storm

These past 12 months have been like the storm that no one would have imagined could last so long. One year later and we're still battling more waves and it is true that we do all find ourselves in our own unique boats but hopefully they, and with them you, are still intact. As we reseal the hatches our cargo and passengers may well be badly shaken but we're hoping to be sailing back to shore soon. It probably won't resemble the way we use to live but some parts of our society have strengthened with some having adapted and changed beyond recognition. Unfortunately, not everyone has reached this point, some will have had lucky escapes and a minority need reminding of how lucky they are to remain unscathed.

The quoted text below was widely circulated online when Covid first took hold last March. It still holds true and captures the essence of what is really important. The unknown author could well have extended their piece to include so many more people, their efforts, their contributions, and services that enrich our lives. We no longer take them, and many others, for granted.


For a few weeks now I have heard people saying “ I just can’t wait for things to be back to normal.” I may have said that a few times myself.

But as I’ve thought about our current situation I have realised how much I don’t want things to go back to exactly the way they were.

Here are a few of my reasons...

  • I hope that the next time a friend grabs me and pulls me in for a hug, I actually take the time to appreciate the gift of their presence and embrace.

  • I hope that when school resumes and you are dropping your kids off, you take the time to thank the staff for the amazing gift that they give to your family.

  • I hope that the next time I’m sitting in a crowded restaurant I take the time to look around at the smiling faces, loud voices and be more appreciative of the gift of community.

  • I hope that when I am at the supermarket that I take a moment to acknowledge the necessities of life and the amazing people who work so hard to keep us supplied.

  • I hope that I never again take for granted the ability to hop in the car and visit a friend, go to the beach, a restaurant or a movie, etc.

So, truth is, I don’t want things to return to the way they once were.

I hope and pray that we take the lessons and challenges of the past few weeks and create a new normal.

My goal is to appreciate more, love harder, and truly appreciate the daily abundance of blessings that were so easily overlooked just a few weeks ago. If someone tells you they love you, take it to heart!


Author Unknown, widely circulated on social media in March 2020.

Staying safe, sane, and remaining in regular contact with family, friends, neighbours, and the wider community has been a challenge. Staying close to home and keeping fit has meant we've all discovered more about our neighbourhood whilst staying apart. Like many I've stared at the TV screen more this year than the entire decade before, we'll not have that problem in months to come when we run out of things to watch.

Who would have expected that we'd be resourceful in how we can adapt to communicate. Although we can't be there in person how many Birthday and Anniversary celebrations have been streamed live online. My grandmother use to dress up before watching the TV news believing that they could see her back through the screen. 100 years later and now they can on some audience participation shows. Just recently I assisted in tuning in a new TV set for family members who live in another country using via video chat. In our home we would be lost without technology. Whether it's multiple devices streaming entertainment, business calls, chats, or gaming we're stretching the potential of the internet for sure. Even outside I've even gone for a walk and streamed a chat with another person walking 100miles away.

We're all now acutely aware that it is the simplest things that are important Family, Friends, and our Health is our source of Happiness.

Although we've each had different boats to steer through this pandemic many of us will personally know of those who have been lost to it. By now many of us will have family and friends who have come through the sickness, we will have seen their drawn look of exhaustion and that not one of them would wish to go through it again.

The storm continues, each one of us has adapted and there are many unheard stories of people 'stepping up to the plate' to go the extra mile to support the wellbeing of others.

Many significant events have been marked quietly and we offer congratulations to the newlyweds, the newly born, the significant birthdays, milestones, and anniversaries reached. We also offer our condolences to those who've lost loved ones whose lives were not celebrated with the larger gatherings that they deserved.

Vaccinations offer us the hope that we can look forward to the time when we can return to a new normal, hug and kiss our distant loved ones with a renewed appreciation for those who enhance our lives.

March 2021 Articles

March 2021

Riding Out this Storm

1 year on and we're reminded of something we read at the outset of this Pandemic.

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March 2021

Estate Taking In Charge

What does it mean for an Estate to be Taken In Charge and is yours?

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March 2021

Pollinator-Friendly Potential.

Homeowners are doing their part and now we encourage Estate Groups to make a contribution to the All Ireland Pollinator Plan.

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March 2021

Proposal to Stop Spraying Poison in Johnstown

We're all concerned about our environment and Johnstown Tidy Towns have proposed a step in the right direction to reduce harm.

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March 2021

Exam Revision Tips

Joe McCormack reveals 'Six of my Best ACE Revision Signposts'

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March 2021

Navan's Features

We've all walked, or more likely driven, past the first item in our mini series about Navan's Art and you might be surprised to discover it's relevance to Meath.

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