Nominations and Voting Has Now Closed.
Voting took place between 9am, Saturday 1st May and closed 9pm, Sunday 16th May 2021.
Charity Donation 2021
For the second year running Navan County Councillor Alan Lawes is asking the public of Navan to help him donate his entire allocation of the 2021 Navan Municipal District County Council Discretionary Fund to 5 Registered Charities.
Last year 22 registered charities based in the Navan Municipal District were nominated by the public. In March 2020 the public voted for Wilkinstown Community Centre, Meath River Rescue, and Ability Equine Assisted Therapy to each receive a once-only donation of €5,000 from the 2020 allocated fund.
Cllr Alan Lawes stated that he believes Taxpayer's money should not be given away at the whim of Councillors since it is undemocratic and could be misinterpreted as buying voters. If the money was returned to the Council pot it would be a missed opportunity for the people of Navan. Therefore, the Navan public is being offered this opportunity to say where the money should be given and it will be repeated throughout his 5 year term in office.
The 2021 Navan Municipal District Councillor Discretionary Fund is €15,000 and many charities are in immediate need of financial support due to the Covid-19 Health Emergency. Cllr Alan Lawes has therefore elected to divide this year's fund equally between 5 charities so that each will still receive a 'once only' worthwhile and meaningful amount.
All the charities previously nominated have automatically been entered into this year's vote with the exception of the 2020 winners.
You are now invited to put forward any new entries in preparation for the Public Vote in May.
Registered Charities Entered
2020 Award Winners
(Not eligible for future awards)
Ability Equine Assisted Therapy
Related Articles
For the second year running Councillor Alan Lawes is asking the public to vote for 5 Navan area registered charities to receive equal shares of his €15,000 Council Discretionary Fund, 2021.
Charity Vote 2020 Result
A possible life buoy given to the three Registered Charities as voted by the Public.
Registered Charities Guide
The recent nominations led to this guide for local Registered Charities in the Navan Neighbourhood.
April 2021 Articles
Charity Donation 2021
For the second year running Councillor Alan Lawes is asking the public to nominate Navan area registered charities to receive equal shares of his entire €15,000 Council Discretionary Fund, 2021.
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