March 2020

Isolation Ideas

It's a tough staying at home when you are unable to socialise in person with friends and family. With many now unemployed or working from home it's brought the family unit together for longer periods of the day and we're going to find things difficult. We need to regularly boost our mental health.

Keep Busy and Get Creative.

Focus on your family safety AND maintaining their mental health.

There are many online resources for education and schooling but we're interested in finding social and interactive human activities that we can do in household isolation to help us get passed the boredom.

Here's a list of suggestions that will grow in the days to come.

Familiar Experiences Done Differently

Big Group Chats Online

With more of us using social media for one to one video chats you can actually have a big group chat. Viewing more than a handful of contacts on a small mobile screen is quite difficult and learning to avoid talking over others comes quickly.

Group Puzzles With Friends

Parents without Nintendo, Xbox, Playstations and the like, may not be familiar with online group games such as Fortnite. However the Apps like Skype and Zoom allow you to share your computer screen, and this opens up the possibility of sharing puzzles from websites. It might require one person (parent) to take the lead as the controller and each participating player to take turns solving the chosen puzzle. We think that with a little bit of coordination there's potential for social interaction.

Group Challenges

The 100 touch sports challenge is fairly common on social media but we understand parents not wanting to share images and video of their children online. Supervised and held live between people you know could help your children mentally stay in touch and also motivate them into physically activity within the confines of your home and garden. Just arrange a time and a group to perform the challenges.

Bingo, Pictionary, Guess the Music, Noughts and Crosses, Snakes and Ladders .....with a bit of ingenuity there's lots of Board Games to play.

Virtual Pub Quiz

There's quite a few people connecting the TV to watch live YouTube quizzes connecting thousands of viewers who've each grabbed a beer, got snacks or a pizza, connected friends and family to form teams via social media video. From the comfort your own home it's proving to be a winning combination of entertainment on social connection.

There's many on Google Search but we've tried Dan's Pub Quiz which is free and entertaining (no connection to us, and promoted for free) Facebook, Website, YouTube Channel

Group Movie Night

From the comfort of our individual homes, or rooms, you could use one of the many social media apps to host a live video or chat call but you'll need to sync the television yourselves (feedback from the microphone could be an issue for some). 'Netflix Party' is one of the first online service provider to create synchronised viewing in large remote groups with online text based chat.

Date Night

For those who are dating the isolation from each other is bound to be fading the flames. With a bit of creativity ordering 2 separate takeaway deliveries (or home cooking) combined with a shared movie, music concert or even an audiobook or comedy recording, could help fan the flames of romance.

Family Dinner

There's nothing from stopping you from getting your entire family together around a table for a live 'video chat Sunday Dinner'. Just like office based video conferencing with the exception that each household will need to make their own meals. If your elderly parents don't have internet then order them a mobile internet dongle and post them an old mobile phone or tablet that you have have already set up.

Bedtime Story

When you can't be there in person the video chat allows other family members to read stories to the young ones from the comfort of their own homes. Great for keeping the family bond and excellent for maintaining mental health for the elderly and isolated.

Talk to Alexa, Siri and Google

Your mobile phone or internet assistant hosts a growing number of useful apps. From cookery lessons, to bingo calling and quizzes There's a catalogue of entertainment waiting for you to delve in and discover.

Coffee Morning

Don't miss out on some catch up time when you can arrange a meet up regularly for a few minutes online or via the phone. If you are neighbours then bring a coffee to have on your own doorsteps.

Garden Glamping

If you have the space then take the opportunity to have a holiday from your bedroom and camp in the back garden. You could include some creature home comforts, like the loo nearby, close to hand. You can even turn off the wifi to have a proper experience!

Learn an Instrument

Even if it's your child's school whistle or the 'air drums' you can learn something new either by following video clips or online lessons. If you have an instrument then Meath Music Academy are hosting all lesson online and you can sign up.

Check out our Social Guide Links to Music Groups.

There's plenty of computer based instruments that could see you as the next DJ mixing tracks.

Garden Movie

Take the TV to the back window or if you're lucky enough to have a projector then string up a bedsheet on the line. Ensure it's a PG Film or ensure the neighbours can't see the screen and you'll need headphones!!!

Garden Features to Play with and Eat

This is a great example of a feature with dual purpose.

We found it on here and they've more good gardening tips if you follow their page.

Street Art

We're only advocating temporary art and we definitely don't want to see any unsightly permanent scrawled grafiti.

Chalk pavement drawings and painted rocks can bring a smile to passers by when they are discovered arranged as feature perhaps around the base of a tree or on your garden wall.

Home Haircut

Your hair is getting longer and Hairdressers won't open for months. Let's face it that if you cut hair it'll grow back and not be seen by many, possibly anyone.

If your children want a crazy design haircut then now's the time to do it since it'll have grown back before schools reopen.

There's a wealth of advice if you have hair clippers and online ordering if you're seeking hair colour packs.

Tried and Tested Ideas

Learn a Language

Self help websites offer courses online with many now offering chat groups,

Check out our Social Guide Links to Language Groupss

Learn to Cook

If you're the main cook in you household then it's time to loosen the reins and show your children and partner what to do. Do this not only for them to appreciate what's involved but should you fall sick they'll need to feed you! Prepare some freezer meals to at least have a ready to go option if needed.

Most of the Popular Chefs have recently been busy producing easy to follow cookery demonstrations online. Check out our past article on the Happy Pear twins for easy economical and quick meals.

Spring Clean

Given the measures in place to prevent transmitting the Coronavirus it's a chance for the home to have a deep clean.

Clean underneath the bed, down the back of cupboards and perhaps you'll even discover lost coins down the back of the sofa.

If it's safe then sort out the attic - ours has a wealth of stuff which is probably junk that we've forgotten about.

Organise your Photos

Using mobile phones and social media we now take more photo's than ever before. How disorganised is your collection?

Take the opportunity to arrange and label them so that you could one day find enjoyment in looking through them. You could prepare photo books ready for printing at sometime in the future.

If you save your photos to the internet cloud, as a backup,you can easily share the links with family and friends.

Create a Movie

Armed with a mobile phone you can record, edit and share your own movies. It could be a day in the life, how to make a cup of tea or how to tie up laces? There are many free apps that will help you transform your photo clips into movie shows with music.

Garden Makeover

Make the most of the extra time on your hands but don't be in a rush to do all the garden jobs in one day. We're in this for the long run so ensure there's a long 'Wish List'.

Check out our Grow Your Own article.

Home Makeover

Apart from the cost and general lack of available decorating material you could finish those jobs that have been put on the long finger.

Don't tackle jobs that could land you in A&E since they don't want to see anyone at the moment.

Upcycle Furniture

If you have paint and brushes then consider revamping what you have to create a new look.

We're all in this Together

Send in you suggestions to keep us all occupied.

A Few Resources

There are plenty of pages with ideas ranging from games to activities and education.

More In April Edition